
Reimagining the circular economy

Based on modular infrastructure, proprietary wireless technology, and an open access platform, G.I.C. reimagines how government, society and industry can regard the Amazon and its resources.

Multiple layers of technologies to connect the Amazon

We build solar-powered modular tower sites along the rivers to connect multiple cities and communities.  Our environmental impact is minimal, and our approaches incorporate a long-term vision for sustaining wireless backbone, 5G and IoT technologies.  Fundamental to the local economy, our sites are managed by local operators.

Each network is a “SPV”

Our networks are managed as separate corporations, or Special Purpose Vehicles (“SPVs”).  The SPV structure incentivizes all stakeholders and rewards local constituents while ensuring network integrity and spurring new application services.

Each SPV is a growing ecosystem

Fully managed under the G.I.C. platform, each SPV creates significant opportunities for local operators and system integrators.  Each SPV will develop new application service providers addressing interactive education, health, business, industry and environmental connectivity.

Multiple layers of technologies to connect the Amazon

We build solar-powered modular tower sites along the rivers to connect multiple cities and communities.  Our environmental impact is minimal, and our approaches incorporate a long-term vision for sustaining wireless backbone, 5G and IoT technologies.  Fundamental to the local economy, our sites are managed by local operators.

Each network is a “SPV”

Our networks are managed as separate corporations, or Special Purpose Vehicles (“SPVs”).  The SPV structure incentivizes all stakeholders and rewards local constituents while ensuring network integrity and spurring new application services.

Each SPV is a growing ecosystem

Fully managed under the G.I.C. platform, each SPV creates significant opportunities for local operators and system integrators.  Each SPV will develop new application service providers addressing interactive education, health, business, industry and environmental connectivity.


  • Optimized multi-sourced Internet
  • Office to office connect
  • Direct data center connect
  • Community WIFI connect
  • Interactive education
  • Interactive health
  • Forest fire protection

Secure, flexible integration

Our open access network model means wholesale pricing.  Whatever your last mile solution, you can rely on our platform.  Don’t have access to network applications or a trained workforce?  No problem.  We partner with leading technology and application firms to make onboarding easy.

Learn more about what G.I.C. can do for your company.

Click below for more on what G.I.C. can do for your connectivity business and your critical communication needs.  Detailed simulation models can calculate ROI and replicate G.I.C.’s impact on your company.