Advanced Digital Connectivity for the Amazon

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Broadband connectivity has a vital role to play in preserving tropical forests. Unfortunately, mobile operators and large network providers prioritize 5G in urban hubs to the detriment of regional internet providers who are left without business models, investments and qualified labor. Our mission as the backbone of the network is therefore fundamental, as the work we do can have a significant positive impact on the fate of the Amazonian people and our environment.

Extreme Digital Divide

Only 12% of homes and  13% of schools have access to fixed broadband Internet.

Environmental management


of the Amazon biome will be treeless by 2030 due to the intensive exploitation of natural resources.

High Cost of Economic Activity


of Amazonians were below the poverty line in 2018.

“A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt


Connecting the Amazon on a large scale


30 million

30 million people in 350 ethnicities

12 million

passengers on rivers

56 million

metric tons of cargo transport


100 billion

metric tons of carbon stored

10 million

species of plants and animals


of all the fresh water flowing into the world's oceans


5,5 million

gas pipeline capacity in m³/day

20 million

mpta/year iron bauxite

20 million

metric tons/annual production of niobium and tin

There is a need and a huge opportunity to transform business and society for the future. The scale of the technology and infrastructure that must be built is unprecedented, and we believe this is the most important opportunity for our company.


We build connectivity infrastructure by creating ecosystems serving people while remaining sensitive to the needs of nature.

Open Access Business Model

Our business model creates a circular economy by allowing new businesses and entrepreneurs to prosper.

The Platform

Applications, ERP, CRM, and networking operating centers are all part of the Platform, allowing franchise commercial deployments across SPV’s that align incentives for all stakeholders and reward local ecosystems while ensuring integrity of the network.


Construímos infraestruturas de conectividade criando ecossistemas que atendem pessoas, permanecendo sensíveis às necessidades da natureza.

Modelo de negócio aberto

Nosso modelo de negócio cria uma economia circular, permitindo que novos negócios e empreendedores prosperem.

A Plataforma

Aplicativos, ERP, CRM e centros operacionais de redes fazem parte da Plataforma. Permitindo desenvolvimento de franquias comerciais através de SPV’s que criam incentivos para todas as partes interessadas e recompensam os ecossistemas locais, garantindo a integridade da rede.


Technology built for the Amazon

Dumont is a revolutionary radio designed exclusively for the Amazon with transmission capacity of up to 4.2 Gbps per radio. Our 5G-based IoT technology solution was developed exclusively for deployment in the Amazon Rainforest.